Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Fight or Flight: the journey of an amateur MMA fighter

Follow Michael Pietersen as he prepares and 
fights his debut Mixed Martial Arts battle.

Cape Town based actor Michael Pietersen, 25, has been throwing punches for the past 4 months, at the Tricore Gym in Brackenfell, in preparation for his first Mixed Martial Arts fight.

The fight night, held at Tricore Gym on the 15th of November 2014, delivered an unexpected ending for the young fighter’s first fight.

Monday, 25 August 2014

The dilemma in reports about Malema

 Julius Malema's profile picture on his public Facebook profile
As a reporter it is "virtually impossible" to portray the character accurately of EFF party leader, Julius Malema, says Daily Maverick journalist Richard Poplak.

Yesterday Poplak spoke about the difficulties and the necessity of covering the 2014 election's "main protagonist" and his party, in a talk about political reporting at the University of Stellenbosch.

"I would say I would have an easier time direct calling Pope Francis than getting in touch with the spokesperson," the black bearded journalist joked.

Twenty-four journalist students, attentively listening to the bass-toned voice of the veteran journalist, giggled.

This following a question by one of the students, S'thembile Cele, on the largely negative lights in which mainstream media paint the EFF and their leader.

"Yes, a lot of the coverage has been dismissive. Yes, a lot of the coverage has been downright insulting, but I think it is a two way street.

According to Poplak the media cannot take blame "for a whole bunch of conclusions that seem very intuitive".

"Malema is a difficult character to cover. First of all, the EFF has done a bad job at sitting down with mainstream media.

"At press conferences he is great, but in terms of one-on-ones, where members of the press can get a sense of who Julius Malema is, most of the times that's happen for myself has been by fortunate accidents and I think that's on the EFF, certainly not on me. I've been trying to report this as best I can."

Amid Poplak's dialogue Cele interupts: "Is that not part of the game, in order for us to play into his hands? He is saying he is not white and that is how many black feel."

"For sure," Poplak declares. To many South Africans, including Malema, mainstream media is considered representative of white power, which provokes hostility.

"That said, once you do interact with the guy, you realise very quickly that he's just got a great political mind."

Malema is an "extremely compelling presence, unlike anyone I've seen ever"; "he has tapped into a very, very real need" of South Africans wanting to be heard and he speaks to the "taste of the times".

"If there's an take away from this election, it's how quickly and how profoundly the EFF came on the scene," says Poplak, who will be releasing a collection of his reports on the elections in a book titled When Malema comes.

"In terms of the fact that he's going to be a great politician that's going to bring us an utopian future where the whole country looks like downtown Stellenbosch? I can't tell you. The problem is I have no idea."

Monday, 18 August 2014

Diminutive chance of assault in Stellenbocsh

Despite the growing concerns over student safety on the Stellenbosch University campus, reported crime reflects a slim chance of being assaulted in the town of Stellenbosch. 

According to the reported crime figures of 2013, the likeliness of assault in this Boland town is less than 1%.

Although these assault statistics reveal the unlikeliness of assault in other towns housing well known universities, it is 0.4% points more likely to be assaulted in Potchefstroom, home to the North-West University, than in Stellenbosch.   

The following graph reveals how diminutive the number of assault cases are in town's housing large tertiary institutions such as Stellenbosch University, North-West University, Rhodes University and the University of Fort Hare.

Chance of assault per inhabitant

Stellenbosch: 0.9%
Potchefstroom: 1.3%
Rhodes: 0.4%
Alice: 0.3%

Following a series of assault on students, including the attempted abduction of student Ilze-Dene Oberholzer, on her way to a test earlier this year, students and parents have been up in arms over Stellenbosch campus security. 

The university issued a statement saying the institution would not "merely accept the escalating crime" and implementation a safe walking route initiative and organised student transport during the examination. 

15 Rugby teams of drug dealers arrested weekly in Gauteng

More than 15 rugby teams of people are arrested every week in drug related crimes, in the Gauteng province, according to a media statement released by Drug Watch, an anti-drug organisation.

The Drug Watch initiative has confiscated R4 million worth of drugs , since it's launch in June last year, almost equaling the salary of the president of the United States, Pres. Barack Obama. 

“The majority of these arrests were made following tip-offs from members of the public," says Gauteng police spokesman, Brigadier Neville Malila.

Head of Crime Line, Yusuf Abramjee explains that aid of the aid of the community to the police “make it uncomfortable for drug dealers and manufacturers to continue holding the public at ransom.”

Below is an info graphic displaying the weekly number drug related arrests made in Gauteng-areas, which will hamper illegal drug activity in the province. 

Friday, 1 August 2014

Propane leak possible cause of deadly blasts in Taiwan

Propane gas has been identified as the cause of the deadly gas explosions, in the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan, which killed 24 and injured 271 has possibly been identified, reports ITV news.
— 757Live World (@757LiveWorld) July 31, 2014 Propane gas leaking from underground pipelines may have caused the explosions, reports ITV news .

According to Breakingnews.ie the city's mayor Chen Chu asked residents of the Chian-Chen district , where petrochemical companies have pipelines lined next to the sewage system, to evacuate the area. 

Breakingnews.ie also reported that the fire brigade received reports of the leaking gas for more than three hours before the explosions started at midnight. 

The series of explosions cut the power and caused 20 000 residents to plunge into darkness, reported CCTV.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Bomb threat in Bloemfontein shopping centre

Bomb threat in Bloem

The Pick n Pay Centre, in Southern Centre in the Fichardtpark area, in Bloemfontein received various warnings this morning from an anonymous caller about a bomb that would go off in the centre by 11:00 today, reports News24.

Bomb search
The K9-unit evacuated citizens form the building and searched for the alleged bomb, says Ofm. According to the local radio station no bomb was found and proceedings returned "to normal". 

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Goeie reënweer-markies naby Stellenbosch

In 'n Kaapse winter verander alles: jy het 'n sambreel by die voordeur, 'n sambreel in jou kar en 'n 'baba'-sambreel wat in jou sak pas. Jy kyk op weather24 voor jy in slegte weer planne maak. 

Die Kaapse weer staan nie stil nie en nog minder jou lewe. Come hell or high water. Letterlik. 'n Mens kry mos net eenkeer 'n week 'n naweek. 

Hier is 'n gids na die naweekmarkies naby Stellenbosch: hoe modderig, hoe duur*, hoe ver**, hoe lekker en hoe rëenbestand hulle is. Sodat jy nogsteeds jou pannekoek, jou gourmet burger en jou olyftapenade kan inkry tydens jou beperkte aftyd. Al is dit ook nou rëentyd. 

Die Woodmill mark

'n Groep markgangers staan om 'n geseelige vuur buite die Woodmill mark.
Die mark word binnenhuis aangebied by die Woodmill gebou op die Vredenburg pad. 
'n Mens kan Oreo-koekie and room
kolwyntjies geniet by die fees. 

Hoe ver: 3.7km 
Hoe duur: 'n Glas wyn - R15 en op. Craft bier - R18 en op. 'n Kopie filterkoffie: 'n Wafel met roomys: R, Pizza: 
Hoe modderig: Daar is nie 'n druppel modder nie. Die parkeerarea is gesteen en die markarea is binnenahuis.
Hoe lekker:

Jongmense geniet die Woodmill markie se gesellige kuierarea

Liezel Swiegers, Mia Conradie en Danielle Roets en hulle
glasies rooiwyn. Hierdie vriendinne woon gereeld die verskillende
 markies in Stellenbosch by, as 'n sosiale bymekaarkomplek.  
Lisa Hitchens en Ivaricia Daniels hou die waghond van markie
se kindersorg vas. Ouers kan hulle kinders teen R30 in hierdie
speelkamer los. Wanneer hulle vra na hulle ouers, stap die
versorgers saam met hulle om hulle self aan hulle ouers in die
aangrensende markarea te versorg. 

Hoe rëenbestand: Hierdie markie is die mees rëenbestande markie met binnenshuise stalletjies en 'n moddervrye parkeerarea.
Wanneer: Sommige Vrydae, 16:30 - 22:00

Die Slow Food mark
Hoe ver: 2.5km
Hoe duur: 'n Glas wyn - R15 en op. Craft bier - R18 en op. 
Hoe modderig: Glad nie. 
Hoe lekker:
Hoe rëenbestand: Die meeste stalletjies is eerder binne of goed beskut onder 'n opslaantent. Daar is 'n paar stalletjies op die buitewyke van die mark wat nie beskutting vir besoekers bied nie en die arme handelaars staan onder tentjies wat op hulle koppe en op hulle produkte lek. 
Wanneer: Saterdae, 09h00-14h00
Die Route 44 mark

Hoe ver: 8.5km
Hoe duur:
Hoe modderig: Redelik. Die markarea is onderdak en daar is 'n vloer, maar die parkeerarea is 'n moddermoeras.  Jy sal dalk jou oë moet toeknyp en in 'n modderasie trap om by jou kardeur in te kom. Dis nogals tragies as jou kar pas gewas is. 
Hoe lekker: 
Hoe rëenbestand:
Wanneer: Elke Saterdag en Sondag

Stil to come...

Die Blauwklippen mark

Hoe ver:
Hoe duur:
Hoe modderig:
Hoe lekker:
Hoe rëenbestand:
Wanneer: Elke Sondag

*Die afstand is van die middel van Dorpstraat in Stellenbosch gemeet
**Die pryse is die van die goedkoopste pizza, bier, koffie, wyn, bier en wafel wat die joernalis kon kry by die mark. Natuurlik kan die onderskeie stalletjies intussen hulle pryse verander of die produkte kan goedkoop/duur wees en aaklig smaak of die porsie kan te klein/o f te groot wees. Ons joernalis is nog nie ryk genoeg om al die produkte aan te koop en te proe- of grootte-toets nie. Sy is ook nie simpel genoeg om omkoopgoed te aanvaar vir verniet te proe- of grootte-toets nie.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Malawi's 2014 elections met with presidential distress

Malawi's 2014 election, like South Africa's, marked the country's 20 year of democracy. It also introduced a week of electoral ordeals.

 by Iske Conradie

The high court in Malawi, granted the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) the go-ahead with counting votes on Saturday, after Malawian president, Joyce Banda invalidated the elections, earlier the day.
Malawi opened polling station on Tuesday morning, 20 May 2014, only 13 days after South Africa's elections. This is Malawi's first tripartite elections meaning Malawians will elects the president, members of parliament and local government within the same election.

Following the elections earlier the week, defending president, Joyce Banda, made a public "proclamation" on Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS), stating that the election was annulled, because of "fraudulent and rampant irregularities."

Judging the president

"I hereby further proclaim that Tripartite Elections for the election of President, Members of Parliament and Councilors shall be held within ninety days of the date of this Proclamation," she said in her proclamation.
Banda made a public statement that she would not be participating as presidential candidate in the elections postponed in three months time.

The MEC and the Malawi Law Society applied for a judicial review of Banda's order to continue with the election procedures. They were granted an injunction, which restricts the president and any of her aides from obstructing electoral proceedings, until the High Court resolves the case.

President edits decree

Banda had made an election-annulling announcement earlier on Saturday, but reiterated a corrected announcement on ZBS later the day. She stated that she had initially misattributed the section of the Constitution she would employ to cancel electoral outcomes.

On Saturday evening Google had added a notification to the search result of ZBS's online radio site, www.zodiakmalawi.com, warning users that the site "might be hacked".

Isolated electoral troubles

Voting continued until Thursday, although Malawi's official Elections Day was Tuesday, 13 days after South Africa's election, because there were electoral disturbances at certain polling stations.

In a statement regarding the observations of its Malawi election observation mission, The European Union's (EU) said there was "considerable organisational shortcomings and a few isolated incidents of unrest" on Election Day. The EU also confirmed a "lack of essential material" which had lead to "delays in the opening of polling stations" in the same statement.

The Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN), a body that conducts random sampling during elections to determine the accuracy of MEC results, observed that 32% of polling stations had opened on time, at 6am, on Election Day.

MESN also indicated that at 96% of polling stations "no one attempted to disrupt the voting process."

On Wednesday, MEC chairperson, Justice Mbendera, asked voters, who used one of the 13 identified stations affected by disruptions, to recast their votes.

Voting stations were open on Thursday in Lilongwe, Malawi's capital, and Blantyre, its largest city - the areas afflicted by unrest and disruptions.

Peace for most Malawians

A South African, Erika Joubert, who had lived and worked in Malawi for three years, says the majority of Malawians live in rural areas in impoverished traditional homes, with no electricity, bore hole water and dilapidated under-resourced schools, unlike the urban Lilongwe and Blantyre.

"Most people I know could vote rather peacefully as the unrest were in Lilongwe and Blantyre," says Deppa Pullanikkatil, a programme manager for the non-profit organisation, Lead. Pullanikkatil is based in Zomba in the Southern part of Malawi.

The EU's preliminary election observation deliberated the effects of disruptions of election results, but specified "voting was generally conducted in an orderly, calm and peaceful manner".

"Voters patiently waited to cast their vote despite long queues. EU observers assessed the overall conduct of voting as being good or very good in 92 per cent of 404 polling stations."

Miscounting then recounting votes

On Saturday Bendera issued a statement on a meeting between MEC and political party leaders regarding the elections.

"During the meeting, the Commission reported that in the course of vote tallying, there are cases being discovered where the total number of votes cast is more than the total registered voters for the centre. It has been agreed with the political parties that this can be resolved by opening the ballot boxes and doing a physical audit," he said.

The MEC affirmed that vote counting would proceed. He also said the MEC would convene with political parties today, to establish the logistics of a recount of votes early next week.

Unofficial results wreak turmoil

The death of Deputy Minister of Local Government and People's Party member, Godfrey Kamanya, on Thursday morning, might be linked to unfavourable unofficial election results. He had allegedly committed suicide.

The latest unofficial Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) results issued on Saturday indicate that Peter Mutharika'a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is in the lead, followed by of Lazarus Chakwera's Malawi Congress Party (MCP), which puts former president and her party, the People's party in third place.  The fourth competitive contender is Atupele Muluzi with the United Democratic Front (UDF).

Legacies and territories

"Remember that Malawi has regional politics. Every leader is popular in their region. Peter, Joyce and Atupele - representing big parties - all come from the South and get many votes from the South," says Malawian, Mathews Tsirizeni, currently doing his PhD in environmental development in Botswana.

The MESN reports estimated that 55% of Southern Malawi voting stations were open by 9:30am, 69% in Northern Malawi, 73% in Central Malawi and 79% in Eastern Malawi.

The leading party leaders are rigged with connotations. Atupele Muluzi is the son of former president Bakili Muluzi. Mutharika is the brother of former president Bingu Mutharika who passed away in 2012, who passed the presidential position to his deputy, Joyce Banda.

"MCP is famous in the central region and also got many votes. The North supports Peter. The DPP is winning, because people have good experience of security assurance from the [former] Bingu [Mutharika] administration," says Tsirizeni.

Banda was implicated in a financial scandal, dubbed Cashgate, when Malawi's digital financial system was bypassed to allocate money to government officials and aides. Thereafter she was criticised for overspending on private flights.

"Joyce [Banda] is losing, because of Cashgage, corruption and presidential jet scandals, which make Malawians suffer. She did not act on these issues to win Malawians back. She also started being nepotistic, favouring people of her party," believes Tsirizeni.

According to the MEC this election was a tripartite election, because the last local elections were held 14 years ago. Former president, Bingu Mutharika, had cancelled the previous local government elections.   

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

2014 Verkiesinguitslae: Geld het gewen

deur Iske Conradie

Stemmers onbewus van partytjies

Die aand voor verkiesingsdag is daar 'n gewoel in die Kotze-huis.

Sewe lede van die SAPCO (South African Progressive Civic Organisation) vergader op die agterstoep van partyleier Daniel Kotze se huis in Noorder-Paarl.

Hierdie SAPCO-lede sit almal op verkiesingsdag uit vrywilligheid by bemarkingstalletjies by uitgekose Boland-stempunte

Kotze vertel dat sy party nie, soos groter partye, lede of burgers kan betaal om stalletjies op te rig by elke stempunt nie.

"Die kleiner partye wat aan die verkiesing deel neem vind hulleself in die ongelukkig posisie dat hulle nie baie finansiele steun het nie, anders as die bestaande partye wat grootskaals befondsing uit die nasionale skatkis kry," verduidelik wetskenner Werner Krüll.

Die nasionale skatkis se politiekepartye-fonds word verdeel volgens die hoeveelheid nasionale en provinsiale parlementslede wat partye het. Partye wat nie lede in die parlement het nie kry nie staatssteun nie.

Volgens die Fonds se finansiële verslag van die vooraanstaande jaareinde is R108 236 911 van belastingbetalers se geld verdeel onder veertien partye.

Die grootste begustigdes in hierdie finansiële jaar is die ANC, wat 62% van die fonds gekry het, die DA met 16%, en COPE wat 9% gekry het.

Elke party moet R200 500 vir registrasiefooie opdok om aan die nasionale verkiesing deel te neem en R45 500 vir die provinsiale verkiesing.

"Die registrasiefooie is vir ons heeltemal buitensporig hoog en onnodig. Dit skyn eerder asof die groot politieke partye 'n demper wil plaas op die demokratiese proses deur te sê 'kom ons hou sekere mense uit deur die kostes so hoog te maak'," sê Kotze.

"Bedrae wat betaal word aan huidige politieke partye betaal moet drasties ingekort word sodat daar 'n gelyke speelveld is," sê Krüll.

Hy glo dat die stem van kleiner partye "noodsaaklik is vir demokrasie." Krüll vertel dat kleiner partye die geleentheid moet kry om die publiek se toegeneendheid tot alternatiewe idees te toets, wanneer dominerende partye nie die mas opkom nie.

UCOSA (Universal Civics of South Africa), 'n party wat fokus op verarmde Suid-Afrikaners het ontrek uit die verkiesing aangesien die party nie die sombedrag registrasiefooie kon bybring nie.